Summer Hair Care Tips

Ultimate Summer Hair Care Guide at Koztello Hair & Beauty Salon in Knocknacarra

Summer is here, and with the soaring temperatures and increased sun exposure, our hair requires extra care and protection. At Koztello Hair & Beauty Salon in Knocknacarra, we understand the importance of maintaining healthy and gorgeous hair all season long. In this blog post, we'll share expert tips and highlight some of our top summer hair care treatments and products. Let's dive in and discover how to keep your hair looking fabulous throughout the summer months!

Expert Hair Care in Co Galway






Kérastase Fusio Dose Treatments: Nourish and Revitalise Your Hair

Kérastase Fusio Dose treatments are the ultimate solution for restoring and revitalising your hair's health during the summer. With the help of our skilled stylists at Koztello Hair & Beauty Salon, you can experience the transformative benefits of customised Kérastase treatments. These luxurious treatments target specific hair concerns, such as dryness, frizz, and damage, providing deep nourishment and repair.

Enjoy the combination of potent active ingredients and advanced technology for hair that looks and feels luscious, shiny, and rejuvenated.

Kerastase Fusio Dose Koztello Hair Salons in Galway and Knocknacarra

System Professional Products: Personalised Care for Your Unique Hair Needs

At Koztello Hair & Beauty Salon, we believe in the power of personalised hair care, which is why we offer a wide range of System Professional products. With the help of our experienced stylists, you can discover the ideal hair care routine tailored to your specific needs.

System Professional products are designed to address various concerns, including hydration, repair, volume, and colour protection. Say goodbye to summer hair woes and hello to healthy, vibrant, and manageable locks with the help of our System Professional line.

System Professional Products at Koztello Hair Salon

Nioxin Scalp Scrub Treatments: Revive Your Scalp Health

Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp, and Nioxin scalp scrub treatments are the perfect solution to rejuvenate your scalp during the summer season. Exposure to the sun, sweat, and impurities can clog hair follicles, leading to dullness, dandruff, and hair loss. Our Nioxin scalp scrub treatments exfoliate and cleanse the scalp, removing build-up and promoting a clean, balanced environment for hair growth.

Experience a refreshing scalp detox and enjoy stronger, thicker, and more resilient hair at Koztello Hair & Beauty Salon.

Healthy Scalp Care

SPF for Hair: Shield Your Locks from Sun Damage

Just like our skin, our hair is also susceptible to sun damage. Protecting your tresses from harmful UV rays is crucial for maintaining hair health and preventing colour fade. At Koztello Hair & Beauty Salon, we offer an array of SPF-infused hair products that create a barrier against UV damage. Our expert stylists can guide you in choosing the right SPF product for your hair type and recommend how to incorporate it into your daily summer hair care routine.

Shield your locks from the sun's harmful rays and maintain vibrant, healthy hair all summer long.

SPF Spray For Hair

Hair Colour Fade and Chlorine Protection: Preserve Your Vibrant Colour

If you've recently coloured your hair or plan to spend time swimming in pools this summer, protecting your colour from fading is essential. Chlorine and other pool chemicals can strip away hair colour, leaving it dull and lacklustre. At Koztello Hair & Beauty Salon, we offer professional-grade products and treatments to preserve your vibrant colour.

Our expert stylists can provide customised advice on maintaining your hair colour, recommend products for colour protection, and even suggest aftercare routines to counteract chlorine damage.

The Top Hairstyle Trends for 2023, Koztello Salons in Galway

Book Your Summer Hair Appointment at Knocknacarra's Best Hair Salon

Summer hair care is all about protection, nourishment, and preserving your hair's health and beauty. At Koztello Hair & Beauty Salon in Knocknacarra, we're dedicated to providing exceptional hair care services and recommending the best products for your summer hair needs. Visit us today and let us help you achieve your dream summer hair! Book now by calling us on 091 860 350 or you can book online.